Friday, August 21, 2009

Obama's Kooky Conspiracy Theorist Czar

It just keeps coming and coming about this guy.
John Holdren is advisor to President Barack Obama for Science and Technology, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST.

He is also an admitted neo-Malthusian.

If you are an oblivious Obamadrone, you might not remember that this guy wrote a book in the 70's that dealt with population control via forced abortion/forced birth control and others, as well as advocating blanketing the planet with chemtrails. Crazy stuff, right?

During a  keynote address before a gathering of Goldman Sachs luminaries on ‘Energy, Environment and the Financial Markets’ in 2007, Holdren proposed several options to “combat climate change”.

The most remarkable of which include (page 43) “ “Scrub” greenhouse gases from the atmosphere technologically” and “ “Geo-engineering” to create cooling effects offsetting greenhouse heating.”

As we know, it is not the first time Holdren proposed spraying the atmosphere. The interesting thing regarding his PowerPoint presentation before the international bankers, is that it preceded his statements in favor of geo-engineering in 2009 and the subsequent outrage, which ultimately caused him to back-pedal on his proposals.

Despite the controversy, Holdren maintained at a MIT-seminar that the geo-engineering option should not be discarded. The elitist Counsel on Foreign Relations wholeheartedly agrees with him. In the course of 2008, the CFR held several workshops dedicated to ‘Planetary Scale Geoenigineering’ efforts after painting the environmental situation as being direr than the facts suggest.

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