A common charge leveled against global warming skeptics is that they are on the payroll of transnational oil companies, when in fact the opposite is true, oil companies are amongst the biggest promoters of climate change propaganda, emphasized recently by Exxon Mobil’s call for a global carbon tax.
Exxon chief executive Rex Tillerson renewed his attack in a speech last night on a cap-and-trade plan, like that included in the latest Senate climate bill, and again explained his preference for a straight tax on carbon emissions. He’s been down that road before, though now he’s gotten into Washington’s spirit of euphemisms:
“I know that’s hard for a politician to say, so we have given it a new name. We call it a ‘refundable greenhouse gas emissions fee.’”
Tillerson brazenly called out the cap and trade agenda for what it was, an effort to impose a carbon tax camouflaged only by a slick sales pitch and deceptive rhetoric.
“It is easier and more politically expedient to support a cap-and-trade approach, because the public will never figure out where it is hitting them,” said Tillerson.
“They will just know they hurt somewhere in their pocketbook,” he added, pointing out that he disagreed with this convoluted method of introducing a carbon tax, arguing instead that it would be more successful to openly propose a straight carbon tax.